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What Do Baby Possums Eat? Discover Their Diet and Feeding Habits

What Do Baby Possums Eat

Curious about what baby possums eat? Find out in this informative article, covering everything from milk to solid foods!

#babypossum #diet

Oh, hello there! Are you curious about what baby possums eat? Well, let me tell you, these little critters have quite the appetite. From sweet fruits to slimy insects, they'll munch on just about anything. But don't worry, they won't steal your pizza slice anytime soon. Let's dive into the fascinating world of baby possums and their peculiar taste buds.

Firstly, it's important to note that baby possums, also known as joeys, rely solely on their mother's milk for the first few months of their life. But once they start venturing out of their mother's pouch, they become curious little explorers, trying out different foods along the way.

One of their favorite treats is fruit, especially those that are sweet and juicy. They'll happily gobble up berries, apples, and even watermelon. Watching a tiny possum sink its teeth into a big slice of watermelon is a sight to behold. Trust me, it's adorable.

But possums aren't just about the sweet stuff. They're also big fans of protein-rich foods, such as insects and small animals. Yep, you read that right. These little guys will chow down on everything from beetles to baby mice. It may sound a bit gruesome, but it's all part of their natural diet.

Now, you may be wondering how possums manage to catch their prey, given their slow and clumsy appearance. Well, they actually have a few tricks up their sleeve. For one, they have an incredible sense of smell, which helps them sniff out tasty treats. They also have sharp claws and teeth, which they use to hunt and defend themselves.

Speaking of defense, possums are known for their unique defense mechanism: playing dead. When threatened, they'll go limp and emit a foul-smelling odor to deter predators. It may not be the most pleasant thing to witness, but it certainly works.

Back to their diet. Another interesting fact about possums is that they're omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. This gives them a wide variety of food options, from leafy greens to insects to small birds. They're not picky eaters, that's for sure.

However, there are a few things possums should avoid eating. For example, chocolate is toxic to them and can cause serious health problems. They should also stay away from processed foods and human snacks, as they're not nutritionally balanced for their needs.

So, there you have it. Baby possums may look cute and innocent, but they're actually quite the little foodies. From sweet fruits to slimy insects, they'll try anything once. And who knows, maybe one day they'll even develop a taste for pizza.


Possums are such cute creatures, with their beady little eyes and their fluffy tails. But when it comes to baby possums, they are just downright precious. These little guys need a lot of care and attention, and one of the most important things to consider is their diet.

What Do Baby Possums Eat?

Baby possums, also known as joeys, have very specific dietary needs. They are marsupials, which means that they are born very underdeveloped and spend their first few months in their mother's pouch. During this time, they rely entirely on their mother's milk for nutrition.Once they are old enough to venture out of the pouch and start exploring the world, they will also start to eat solid foods. The diet of a baby possum is quite varied, but there are some key things that they need to thrive.


As mentioned, milk is the primary source of nutrition for baby possums. Their mother's milk is rich in all the nutrients they need to grow and develop properly. Baby possums will nurse from their mother for several months before they start to eat solid foods.

Fruits and Vegetables

Once they start to explore the world outside of their mother's pouch, baby possums will start to eat fruits and vegetables. They love things like apples, bananas, grapes, and berries. They also enjoy leafy greens like kale and spinach.


Protein is essential for the growth and development of baby possums. They need plenty of it to build strong muscles and bones. Some good sources of protein for baby possums include cooked chicken, turkey, and eggs.


In addition to fruits, vegetables, and protein, baby possums also love to eat insects. They are particularly fond of mealworms, crickets, and grasshoppers. These insects provide a good source of protein and other nutrients that baby possums need.

How to Feed Baby Possums

Feeding baby possums can be a bit tricky, as they have very specific dietary needs. If you find a baby possum that has been orphaned or separated from its mother, it is important to take it to a wildlife rehabilitation center as soon as possible. These centers have the expertise and resources to properly care for baby possums and ensure that they receive the right nutrition.If you are caring for a baby possum at home, it is important to follow some basic guidelines to ensure that it receives the right nutrition. Here are some tips:

Bottle Feeding

If the baby possum is still very young and requires milk, you will need to bottle feed it. You can purchase special possum milk formula from a wildlife rehabilitation center or online. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and use a special possum nipple on the bottle.

Solid Foods

As the baby possum gets older, you can start to introduce solid foods. Offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources. Cut the food into small pieces or mash it up to make it easier for the baby possum to eat.


Be sure to provide plenty of fresh water for the baby possum. You can offer it in a shallow dish or use a water bottle designed for small animals.


Baby possums are adorable little creatures that require a lot of care and attention. Their diet is a key factor in their growth and development, and it is important to ensure that they receive the right nutrition. If you find a baby possum that needs help, be sure to take it to a wildlife rehabilitation center where it can receive the care it needs. And if you are caring for a baby possum at home, follow these tips to ensure that it receives the right nutrition and grows up healthy and strong.

The Curious Case of Baby Possums and Their Fussy Appetites

As a babysitter for baby possums, I must say that feeding them can be quite a challenge. These tiny creatures have a fussy appetite that can turn even the most gourmet meal into a disaster. But fear not, for I have uncovered the secrets to keeping these furry friends happy and well-fed.

A Glimpse into the Babysitter's Dilemma: What to Feed a Picky Possum

The first thing you need to know about baby possums is that they will consume anything edible (or not). From insects to gourmet meals, their diet is surprisingly varied and versatile. However, this does not mean that they are easy to please.

One day, I offered my little possum friend a slice of pizza, and he looked at me with disgust. The next day, I tried to give him a salad, and he turned his nose up at it. It seems that possums have an eternal debate between pizza and salad, and they can never make up their minds.

The Possums' Five-Star Diet: A Delicacy Guide for the Fuzziest Inhabitants of Your Backyard

After much experimentation, I have compiled a five-star delicacy guide for the pickiest of possums. First and foremost, possums love fruits. Apples, bananas, and berries are all great choices that will have your little friend licking their chops.

Next on the list is meat. Cooked chicken or fish will be a hit with your possum, as will scrambled eggs. Just make sure to remove any bones or skin before serving.

If you're feeling adventurous, you can also try offering your possum some vegetables. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas are all healthy choices that will add some variety to their diet.

The Hungry Tamagotchis: How Baby Possums Will Consume Anything Edible (Or Not)

Despite their picky nature, baby possums have an insatiable appetite. They will devour anything edible (and sometimes even non-edible) in their path. This includes fruits, vegetables, meats, bugs, and even garbage.

As a responsible pet owner, you should make sure to keep your possum away from any harmful substances. This includes chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and toxic plants.

Pizza or Salad? The Eternal Debate in a Baby Possum's Struggle for Deliciousness

It seems that the eternal debate between pizza and salad rages on in the possum community. Some possums prefer the savory goodness of pizza, while others opt for the healthier option of salad.

As a babysitter, it's important to cater to your possum's individual tastes. If your possum is a pizza lover, try offering them a slice of cheese pizza. If they prefer salad, try mixing together some lettuce, carrots, and cucumbers for a tasty treat.

The Secret Life of Baby Possums: How to Treat Your Tiny Furry Friends with the Tastiest Snacks

For those who want to treat their possum to something extra special, there are plenty of gourmet options available. Some possums enjoy eating cooked quinoa or rice, while others love snacking on pumpkin or squash.

Just remember, possums have a delicate digestive system, so it's important to introduce new foods slowly and in small portions. Too much of a good thing can lead to an upset stomach.

The Joy of Overfeeding: Baby Possums' Endless Appetite and Delightful Chubbiness

Despite their small size, baby possums have an endless appetite that can lead to some delightful chubbiness. While it's important to feed your possum a healthy diet, there's no harm in spoiling them with treats every once in a while.

Just be careful not to overfeed your possum, as this can lead to obesity and health problems down the line. A little indulgence now and then is fine, but moderation is key.

Surviving the Baby Possum Epidemic: Here's How to Keep Your Produce Safe from the Hungry Invaders

If you live in an area with a high possum population, you may find yourself struggling to keep your produce safe from their hungry invasions. The key to keeping possums away from your garden is to make sure they have plenty of other food sources available.

Try putting out a bowl of fruit or nuts for your possum friends to enjoy, and they'll be less likely to raid your garden. You can also try using natural deterrents like chili powder or vinegar to keep possums at bay.

Fine Dining for Wild Creatures: Elegant Recipes for the Most Discerning Baby Possums

For those who want to treat their possum to a truly elegant meal, there are plenty of recipes available online. From possum-friendly tacos to gourmet mac and cheese, the possibilities are endless.

However, it's important to remember that possums have different nutritional needs than humans, so it's best to stick to foods that are safe and healthy for them.

From Insects to Gourmet Meals: The Surprising and Varied Diet of Baby Possums, The Masters of Cuisine

Overall, the diet of baby possums is surprisingly varied and versatile. From insects to gourmet meals, these creatures are true masters of cuisine.

As a babysitter for possums, it's important to cater to their individual tastes while also keeping their health in mind. With a little experimentation and creativity, you can provide your possum friend with a five-star dining experience that they'll never forget.

The Hilarious Eating Habits of Baby Possums


Possums are one of the most fascinating creatures that inhabit our planet. They are known for their unique eating habits and their ability to survive in harsh environments. However, have you ever wondered what baby possums eat? In this story, we will explore the hilarious eating habits of baby possums from a humorous standpoint.

What Do Baby Possums Eat?

Baby possums are known to be picky eaters. They have a very specific diet that consists of a few key items. Below is a table that outlines the foods that baby possums love to eat:

Food Description
Fruit Baby possums love to eat fruit, especially bananas and apples.
Insects They love to feast on insects such as crickets, ants, and beetles.
Eggs Baby possums have a particular liking for eggs, whether they are hard-boiled or scrambled.
Flowers They have a sweet tooth and love to munch on flowers, especially roses and daisies.
Leaves Baby possums enjoy eating leaves, especially lettuce and kale.

As you can see, baby possums have quite an eclectic palate. They love to eat a variety of foods that most people would never think of feeding them.

The Hilarious Eating Habits of Baby Possums

Aside from their particular diet, baby possums are known for their hilarious eating habits. They have a tendency to eat with their mouths wide open, making smacking noises as they chew. They also like to play with their food before they eat it, tossing it around and catching it in their mouths.

Another funny thing about baby possums is that they are notorious for stealing food from their siblings. They will sneak up on their siblings while they are eating and snatch their food away, running off with it as fast as they can.

Despite their comical eating habits, baby possums are fascinating creatures that are essential to our ecosystem. They play an important role in controlling the population of insects and other pests. Without them, our world would be a very different place.


In conclusion, baby possums are picky eaters with a unique palate. They love to eat a variety of foods, including fruit, insects, eggs, flowers, and leaves. Their hilarious eating habits make them a joy to watch, and their importance to our ecosystem cannot be overstated.

Possums are Freaking Awesome, and So is Their Diet!

As we wrap up our exploration into the world of baby possums and their diets, I want to leave you with a few parting thoughts. First and foremost, these little creatures are absolutely fascinating! From their adorable faces to their prehensile tails, possums are truly one-of-a-kind. And when it comes to their diet, they're just as unique.

So, what do baby possums eat? Well, as we've discussed, it's a pretty varied menu. These little guys are omnivores, which means they eat both plant and animal matter. Some of their favorite foods include fruits, vegetables, insects, and even small animals like mice and birds.

But here's the thing: possums aren't picky eaters. They'll pretty much chow down on whatever they can get their paws on. And that includes some things you might not expect...

For example, did you know that baby possums will happily munch on carrion? That's right, these little scavengers aren't above feasting on dead animals they come across. Hey, waste not, want not, right?

Of course, just because possums are willing to eat pretty much anything doesn't mean they should. As with any animal, it's important to make sure they're getting a balanced diet that meets all their nutritional needs.

If you're raising a baby possum, you'll want to provide them with a mix of different foods to ensure they're getting everything they need. Fruits and veggies are a good place to start, as they provide lots of vitamins and minerals. You can also offer them some lean protein sources, like cooked chicken or turkey.

When it comes to insects, possums are big fans of mealworms and crickets. These little critters are packed with protein, which is essential for growing possums. Just make sure you're buying them from a reputable source, or collecting them from a clean environment.

Now, I know what you're thinking: But wait, don't possums eat garbage? And the answer is...kind of. While possums aren't necessarily seeking out trash to eat, they will scavenge in dumpsters and other areas where people have left food waste. So, if you're raising a possum, it's important to keep them away from any potentially harmful materials.

So there you have it, folks: the ins and outs of what baby possums eat. From fruits and veggies to insects and carrion, these little guys have a pretty varied diet. And while they're not picky eaters, it's important to make sure they're getting a balanced diet that meets all their nutritional needs.

Thanks for joining me on this wild ride through the world of possum diets. I hope you've learned something new and had a few laughs along the way. And who knows? Maybe you'll even be inspired to raise a possum of your own someday!

What Do Baby Possums Eat?

People Also Ask:

1. Are baby possums picky eaters?

2. Can baby possums eat fruits and vegetables?

3. Do baby possums prefer cooked or raw food?

Well, well, well. It seems like we have a bunch of curious people wondering what baby possums eat. Don't worry, folks, I'm here to give you the lowdown on these tiny creatures' diets.

First things first, baby possums are not picky eaters. They will happily munch on anything that comes their way, whether it's meat or veggies. But as their caretaker, you should make sure they get a balanced diet. Here are some foods you can feed baby possums:

  • Milk replacer - This is the main source of nutrition for baby possums. You can find milk replacers specifically made for possums in pet stores or online.
  • Meat - Possums are omnivores, so they need meat in their diet. You can feed them cooked chicken, turkey, or beef. Make sure to cut it into small pieces for easier digestion.
  • Fruits and vegetables - Yes, baby possums can eat fruits and veggies too! Offer them small amounts of apples, bananas, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

Now, to answer your second question, yes, baby possums can definitely eat fruits and vegetables. In fact, it's important to add variety to their diet to ensure they get all the nutrients they need.

Lastly, let's settle the debate. Do baby possums prefer cooked or raw food? Well, it depends on the food. Meat should always be cooked to avoid any bacterial infections. On the other hand, fruits and veggies can be offered both cooked and raw. It's up to you!

So there you have it, folks. Baby possums are not picky eaters, and they need a balanced diet of milk replacer, meat, and fruits/vegetables. Now go feed those little critters and watch them grow big and strong!