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5 Polite Responses to Someone Who Coughs: Etiquette Tips for Common Cold Season

What Do You Say When Someone Coughs

When someone coughs, it's polite to say bless you or excuse me. Learn more about appropriate responses to coughing in different situations.

Have you ever found yourself in an awkward situation where someone coughs, and you don't know what to say? You stand there, frozen like a popsicle, wondering whether you should offer them water or just ignore it. Well, worry no more because I've got you covered. In this article, I'll be sharing with you some humorous ways to respond when someone coughs.

Firstly, let's start with the classic response, Bless you. Oh, wait, that's for sneezing. See how easy it is to get confused? Anyway, instead of saying the usual, why not switch things up a bit and say, You sound like a seal? It's a lighthearted way to acknowledge their cough and make them laugh.

Another option is to go the sarcastic route and say, Thanks for sharing your germs with me. This response works best if the person coughing is in close proximity to you. It's a great way to add some humor to an uncomfortable situation.

If you're feeling extra playful, you can pretend to be a doctor and say something like, Based on the sound of your cough, I'm diagnosing you with a case of the sniffles. It's a silly way to lighten the mood and make the person feel less embarrassed about their cough.

Alternatively, you can use a pun to respond to the cough. For instance, Looks like you've got a lot of 'cough-fidence' there. It's a clever way to acknowledge the cough without making the person feel self-conscious.

Now, let's talk about the more practical responses. If the person coughing looks like they need water, you can offer them some and say, I've got you covered. It shows that you care about their well-being and are willing to help.

Another way to respond is to ask if they need anything, such as medicine or tissues. It's a simple yet thoughtful gesture that shows you're paying attention and want to help in any way possible.

If the person coughing is a close friend or family member, you can use a more personal response. For example, Looks like someone's been smoking too many cigars. It's a playful jab that only works if the person has a sense of humor.

On the other hand, if the person coughing is a stranger, it's best to keep your response light and neutral. A simple, Hope you feel better soon, works just fine.

In conclusion, there are many ways to respond when someone coughs, ranging from humorous to practical. The key is to read the situation and choose a response that fits the mood. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so don't be afraid to use humor to make the person feel better. And who knows, maybe your clever response will turn a awkward moment into a memorable one.

What Do You Say When Someone Coughs? Hmm, Let's See

Coughing is a natural reflex that helps to clear the airways of irritants and mucus. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as allergies, viral infections, or smoking. However, when someone coughs, it can be quite awkward and uncomfortable for everyone around them, especially during these pandemic times where a cough can induce panic. So, what do you say when someone coughs? Hmm, let's see.

1. Bless you!

Wait, what? That's what you say when someone sneezes, right? Well, some people tend to use this phrase as a reflex response when someone coughs. It may not make sense, but it's still a polite gesture nonetheless.

2. Are you okay?

When someone coughs, it's natural to be concerned about their health. Asking if they're okay shows that you care and are willing to help in any way possible.

3. Do you need water?

Coughing can cause dehydration, so offering water is a thoughtful gesture. Plus, it can help to soothe the throat and reduce the severity of the cough.

4. Cover your mouth!

This may come off as rude, but sometimes people forget to cover their mouths when they cough. Reminding them to do so can prevent the spread of germs and keep everyone healthy.

5. You sound like a seal.

Okay, this one isn't exactly polite, but it's definitely humorous. Comparing someone's cough to an animal can lighten the mood and make the situation less awkward.

6. Can I get you some cough drops?

Cough drops can help to soothe a sore throat and reduce the frequency of coughing. Offering to get some for someone shows that you're willing to go the extra mile to make them feel better.

7. I hope it's not contagious.

This one may seem like a dig, but it's actually a valid concern. With the current pandemic, it's important to take precautions to prevent the spread of germs.

8. Do you need to step outside?

If someone is coughing excessively, it may be best for them to step outside to avoid disrupting others. Offering this suggestion shows that you're considerate of others' needs.

9. You should see a doctor.

If someone has been coughing for an extended period or has other symptoms such as fever or shortness of breath, it's best for them to see a doctor. Suggesting this shows that you care about their health and well-being.

10. Excuse me while I move six feet away.

In these pandemic times, it's understandable to be cautious around people who are coughing. Excusing yourself politely shows that you're taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself and others.


So, there you have it. When someone coughs, there are a variety of things you can say depending on the situation. Whether it's offering water or suggesting they see a doctor, the most important thing is to show that you care and are willing to help in any way possible. And if all else fails, just remember to cover your mouth.

What Do You Say When Someone Coughs?

Ah, the sweet sound of coughing...I haven't missed that since pre-COVID times. But what do you say when someone coughs? Do you say Bless you? Well, that phrase is reserved for sneezing, so let's come up with something else.

Bless you...but not really because you just coughed.

First things first, let's get one thing straight. If you cough, you're not getting blessed. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. However, I'm not heartless, so I'll acknowledge your cough with a little humor. Bless you...but not really because you just coughed. See? It's funny and it gets the point across.

Well that was quite the coughing symphony, can we get an encore?

If someone is hacking up a storm, why not turn it into a musical event? Well that was quite the coughing symphony, can we get an encore? Sure, it might be a little insensitive, but it's better than just staring at them awkwardly.

Whoa there, are you auditioning for a role in the next Exorcist movie?

Some coughs can be downright scary. If someone sounds like they're possessed by a demon, don't be afraid to call them out on it. Whoa there, are you auditioning for a role in the next Exorcist movie? It's a little dark, but it might make them laugh and forget about their cough for a second.

Did you just cough or were you trying to summon a demon?

Similar to the previous point, if someone's cough is particularly intense, you might wonder if they're trying to summon a demon. Did you just cough or were you trying to summon a demon? It's a valid question.

I'm no expert, but I think you just broke the sound barrier with that cough.

If someone's cough is so loud that it could wake the dead, let them know. I'm no expert, but I think you just broke the sound barrier with that cough. It's a compliment, really.

Someone call a doctor or a priest, because that cough sounded possessed.

If you're really worried about someone's cough, you could suggest medical or spiritual assistance. Someone call a doctor or a priest, because that cough sounded possessed. Maybe they'll take the hint and see a professional.

Could you not cough on me, please? I don't want to catch your cooties.

If someone is coughing near you, it's okay to ask them to stop. Could you not cough on me, please? I don't want to catch your cooties. It's a polite way to protect yourself.

I know it's tempting, but please don't clear your throat and spit like you're in the wilderness.

Some people have a habit of clearing their throat and spitting after coughing. It's not the most pleasant thing to witness. I know it's tempting, but please don't clear your throat and spit like you're in the wilderness. It's a gentle reminder to keep things civilized.

Coughing is the new way to assert win, I'll back off.

If all else fails, you could always jokingly concede to their coughing. Coughing is the new way to assert win, I'll back off. It's a silly way to end the conversation and move on.

In conclusion, there are plenty of ways to react to someone's cough. Whether you choose to be humorous, concerned, or polite, just remember to be respectful and kind. And if all else fails, just keep your distance and hope for the best.

What Do You Say When Someone Coughs?


It was a beautiful day, and I decided to take a walk in the park. As I was walking, I noticed a man sitting on a bench, coughing vigorously. I felt sorry for him and wanted to offer some words of comfort. But what do you say when someone coughs?

I approached him and said, Bless you! He looked at me confused and said, But I'm coughing, not sneezing. I felt embarrassed and didn't know what to say. So, I just walked away.

Later that day, I met my friend, who was also coughing. This time, I knew what to say. I said, Wow, you sound like a seal barking. You should see a vet. My friend burst out laughing and thanked me for making him feel better.

From that day on, whenever I encounter someone coughing, I always try to make them laugh. It's the best medicine after all.

Point of View

When it comes to what to say when someone coughs, I believe in using humor. It's a great way to make people feel better and forget their discomfort.

Table Information

Here are some suggestions on what to say when someone coughs:

  1. Bless you! - A classic response that works for any situation.
  2. You sound terrible. Are you dying? - A little dark humor can go a long way.
  3. Do you need a lozenge? Or a kick in the pants? - A playful way to offer help.

Remember, the most important thing is to make the person feel better. So, use your best judgment and be kind.

Final Thoughts on What to Say When Someone Coughs

Well folks, we’ve reached the end of our journey together. Hopefully, by now, you’ve learned a thing or two about how to respond when someone coughs. We’ve explored a range of options from the polite to the absurd, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide what feels right.

If you’re feeling particularly polite, you might opt for a simple “bless you” or “are you okay?” But if you’re in the mood to have a little fun, why not try out some of our more creative suggestions like “did you just cough up a hairball?” or “I’ve heard that cough drops work wonders for that.”

Of course, it’s important to read the situation and use your best judgement. If someone is clearly struggling with a bad cough, it’s probably not the best time to crack a joke. But if it’s just a little tickle in their throat, there’s no harm in trying to lighten the mood.

One thing to keep in mind is that different cultures have different expectations when it comes to responding to coughs. In some places, saying “bless you” after a cough is seen as strange or even rude. So if you’re traveling abroad, be sure to do your research beforehand to avoid any cultural faux pas.

Another thing to consider is that coughing can be a symptom of a larger health issue. If someone is coughing persistently or seems to be in distress, it’s always a good idea to ask if they need help or if they’ve seen a doctor.

On a lighter note, we hope that this article has given you some new ideas for how to respond when someone coughs. Whether you choose to stick with tradition or go off the beaten path, remember that the most important thing is to be kind and considerate of those around you.

And who knows, maybe your witty one-liner will be just what someone needed to brighten their day. So go forth and spread some joy, one cough at a time!

Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you back here soon for more lighthearted musings on everyday life.

What Do You Say When Someone Coughs?

People Also Ask About It

1. What do you say when someone coughs in public?

If someone coughs in public, you can say:

  • Bless you!
  • Are you okay?
  • Uh-oh, someone's got a cold.

2. What is the polite way to tell someone to cover their mouth when they cough?

You can say:

  • Please cover your mouth when you cough.
  • Could you please use a tissue when you cough?
  • Don't worry, I won't catch your germs if you cover your mouth.

3. How do you respond when someone apologizes for coughing?

You can say:

  • No worries, it happens to all of us.
  • It's okay, I hope you feel better soon.
  • Don't worry about it, just take care of yourself.

The Humorous Voice and Tone of People Also Ask

When it comes to dealing with someone who's coughing, why not add a little humor to the situation? Here are some funny responses to some of the most common questions people ask:

  • Q: What do you say when someone coughs in public?
    A: Bless you! But next time, try a quieter instrument.
  • Q: What is the polite way to tell someone to cover their mouth when they cough?
    A: Hey, I don't want to steal your thunder, but could you cover your mouth when you cough? Thanks, you're a real gem.
  • Q: How do you respond when someone apologizes for coughing?
    A: Apology not accepted! Just kidding, get well soon.

Remember, it's always best to be polite and understanding when someone's feeling under the weather. But, a little humor can go a long way in making everyone feel better!