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Unlocking the Secrets of Elden Ring: Top Things to Do After Completing the Game

What To Do After Beating Elden Ring

After beating Elden Ring, try exploring new builds, replaying the game with different choices, or tackling challenging mods to keep the adventure alive.

Congratulations! You've finally done it. After countless hours of gameplay, you have beaten Elden Ring. The feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment is overwhelming, but now what? It's normal to feel a little lost after finishing a game you've invested so much time and effort into. But don't worry, I've got you covered with some ideas on what to do next.

First and foremost, take a break. You deserve it! Go outside, stretch your legs, and get some fresh air. Maybe even treat yourself to a nice meal or take a relaxing bath. After all, you've just saved the world from destruction. You deserve to celebrate!

Now that you're refreshed, it's time to reflect on your journey. What were your favorite moments? Which boss battles were the most challenging? Did you discover any hidden secrets or Easter eggs that you want to revisit? Take some time to reminisce and appreciate the time you spent in this incredible game.

But don't stop there! Why not try out some of the other games that inspired Elden Ring? From Dark Souls to Bloodborne, there are plenty of other challenging and immersive games to explore. Who knows, you might find a new favorite.

If you're looking for something a little different, why not try a completely different genre? Maybe a relaxing puzzle game or an action-packed shooter. Variety is the spice of life, after all!

But if you're not quite ready to move on from Elden Ring just yet, why not try playing it again? This time, challenge yourself to beat the game on a harder difficulty or with a different playstyle. You could also try exploring different paths and making different choices. The possibilities are endless!

Another idea is to dive into the Elden Ring community. Join online forums, chat with other players, and share your experiences. Who knows, you might even make some new friends who share your love for the game.

Or, if you're feeling creative, why not try your hand at fan art or fanfiction? Let your imagination run wild and create your own stories and interpretations of the game's world and characters.

If you're looking for a more physical challenge, why not try recreating some of the weapons or armor from the game? You could even cosplay your favorite character and attend a convention. The possibilities are endless!

But most importantly, don't forget to take care of yourself. Playing video games can be a lot of fun, but it's important to balance it with other hobbies and activities. Get plenty of exercise, eat healthy, and take breaks when you need them.

In conclusion, beating Elden Ring is just the beginning of your adventure. Whether you decide to take a break, explore other games, or dive deeper into the Elden Ring community, there are endless possibilities for what to do next. So go forth, adventurer, and continue your journey!


Congratulations! You have finally beaten Elden Ring, the highly anticipated action role-playing game from FromSoftware. But what now? You might be feeling a little lost without your trusty sword and shield, but fear not! We’ve compiled a list of things you can do after beating the game to keep you entertained.

Revisit Areas

One of the best things about Elden Ring is its vast world that’s filled with secrets and hidden paths. After beating the game, you can revisit areas you’ve explored before and check if you’ve missed any items or paths. Who knows, you might find a hidden boss or a new weapon that you’ve never seen before.


Try exploring the areas at different times of day to see if anything changes.

Try Different Builds

One of the most exciting aspects of Elden Ring is the variety of builds you can create. You can experiment with different weapons, armor sets, and magic spells to create a build that suits your playstyle. After beating the game, try creating a new build and see how it performs against the toughest enemies.


Challenge yourself by creating a build that’s completely different from your previous one.

Play Multiplayer

Elden Ring has a robust multiplayer system that allows you to play with other players. After beating the game, you can join other players’ worlds and help them defeat bosses or invade their world and try to kill them. Multiplayer adds a whole new level of excitement to the game and can keep you entertained for hours.


Join a community of Elden Ring players to find other players to play with.

Watch Lore Videos

Elden Ring has a deep and complex lore that’s waiting to be discovered. After beating the game, you can watch lore videos on YouTube to learn more about the world and its characters. You might even discover some hidden secrets that you missed during your playthrough.


Watch videos from different content creators to get different perspectives and theories.

Replay the Game

Elden Ring has multiple endings, and each one offers a unique experience. After beating the game, try replaying it and making different choices to see how the story unfolds. You might discover new areas and bosses that you’ve never encountered before.


Challenge yourself by playing on a higher difficulty level or by using a different build.

Create Your Own Challenge

Elden Ring is a challenging game, but what if you want to make it even harder? After beating the game, try creating your own challenge. You can limit yourself to specific weapons or armor sets, or you can try completing the game without leveling up. The possibilities are endless, and the challenge will keep you entertained for hours.


Share your challenge on social media to inspire others to try it.

Try Modding

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try modding Elden Ring. Modding allows you to add new content to the game or change existing content. After beating the game, try installing some mods and see how they affect the gameplay. Just make sure to use reputable mods to avoid any issues.


Join modding communities to get tips and tricks on how to install and use mods.

Play Other FromSoftware Games

If you haven’t already, you can try playing other FromSoftware games after beating Elden Ring. FromSoftware has created some of the most challenging and rewarding games in the industry, and each one offers a unique experience.


Start with Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

Take a Break

Finally, after beating Elden Ring, you might just want to take a break. Playing a game as challenging as Elden Ring can be exhausting, so it’s important to take care of yourself. Take a break, relax, and come back to the game when you’re ready. The game will still be there, waiting for you.


Try playing a different game or taking up a new hobby to give your mind a break.


In conclusion, beating Elden Ring is an accomplishment, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your journey. There are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself entertained and challenged. Whether you choose to replay the game, try new builds, or experiment with mods, there’s always something new to discover. So, grab your sword and shield, and let the adventure continue!

What To Do After Beating Elden Ring: A Humorous Guide

So, you've finally done it. After countless hours of frustration, dying and respawning, you've finally beaten Elden Ring. Congratulations! You're probably feeling a mix of relief, pride, and exhaustion. But now what? Here are some hilarious suggestions to help you figure out what to do next.

1. Go outside and see if reality is as messed up as the game.

After spending so much time in the dark, twisted world of Elden Ring, it's natural to wonder if the real world looks the same. Take a deep breath and step outside. Look around. Are there giant monsters lurking in the shadows? Is the sky purple? No? Then congratulations! You've made it back to reality.

2. Call all of your gaming buddies and brag about your victory.

You didn't spend all those hours playing Elden Ring for nothing! Call up your gaming buddies and tell them all about your triumph. Rub it in their faces a little bit, but not too much. After all, you want them to keep playing games with you, right?

3. Take a break from games and find a new hobby, like knitting or bird watching.

Let's face it, you probably spent more time playing Elden Ring than you did sleeping or eating last week. It might be time to take a break from gaming and find a new hobby. Knitting is a great option - it's relaxing, you can make cool stuff, and you can do it while binge-watching TV shows. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, try bird watching. Who knows, you might find a new appreciation for the natural world.

4. Go on a social media platform and tell everyone about your triumph (even your grandma).

If you beat Elden Ring and don't tell the world about it, did it really happen? Hop on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and let everyone know that you're a gaming god. Even your grandma deserves to hear about your victory. Just make sure to include some screenshots or video clips so people know you're not lying.

5. Put down the controller and watch a movie, maybe even a romantic comedy.

After all that intense gaming, you deserve a break. Put down the controller and pick up the remote. Maybe watch a movie that's a little more lighthearted than Elden Ring. A romantic comedy might be just what you need to unwind. Just don't get too comfortable - you don't want to fall asleep and miss your next gaming session.

6. Clean your house, it probably needs it.

Let's be real, when you're in the middle of a gaming marathon, cleaning is the last thing on your mind. But now that you've beaten Elden Ring, you might notice that your house is a disaster. Take some time to clean up. Trust us, it'll feel good to have a nice, tidy space to game in.

7. Train for a real life sword fight, just in case.

You never know when you might find yourself in a real-life battle, so it's always good to be prepared. Take some fencing lessons or watch some YouTube tutorials on sword fighting. Who knows, you might end up being the next Zorro or Joan of Arc.

8. Try another game, maybe one that isn't as painstakingly difficult.

Let's face it, Elden Ring was hard. Really hard. Maybe a little too hard. If you're not ready for another round of pain and suffering, try a game that's a little easier on the nerves. Animal Crossing is always a good option, or maybe something like Stardew Valley. You'll still get your gaming fix, but without all the stress.

9. Start a Twitch streaming channel and become a gaming superstar.

You beat Elden Ring - you're practically a gaming legend. Why not share your skills with the world? Start a Twitch streaming channel and show off your gaming prowess. Who knows, you might end up becoming the next Ninja or PewDiePie.

10. Finally, after all these years, go outside and get some fresh air. But don't forget your sunscreen!

Okay, okay, we know we already told you to go outside. But this time, we mean it. After all those hours spent indoors, it's time to step into the sunlight. Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or just sit on a park bench and enjoy the fresh air. Just make sure to wear sunscreen - you don't want to ruin your victory glow with a sunburn.

So there you have it - ten hilarious suggestions for what to do after beating Elden Ring. Whether you choose to train for a sword fight or start a Twitch channel, just remember to take a moment to bask in your victory. You earned it!

Now what? What To Do After Beating Elden Ring

My Experience with Elden Ring

After months of anticipation, I finally did it. I beat Elden Ring. The game that had been consuming my every waking moment for weeks was finally over. And what a ride it was! You see, I'm a huge fan of FromSoftware games, so naturally, I was thrilled when this game was announced.

I spent countless hours exploring the vast world, fighting epic bosses, and dying more times than I care to admit. But now that it's all over, I can't help but wonder, what do I do now?

The Post-Elden Ring Dilemma

If you're reading this, then chances are you've also beaten Elden Ring and are wondering what to do next. Don't worry; you're not alone. Many gamers face this dilemma after beating a game they've invested so much time and energy into.

So, what are your options? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Play it Again: Yes, you read that right. Play it again. You'd be surprised at how different the experience can be the second time around. Plus, you can try out different builds and make different choices.
  2. Find Another Game: There are plenty of other games out there that will scratch that itch for adventure and challenge. Maybe it's time to check out some of the other FromSoftware games like Dark Souls or Bloodborne.
  3. Join a Community: The gaming community is vast, and there are plenty of forums and Discord servers dedicated to discussing Elden Ring and other FromSoftware games. Joining one of these communities can help keep you engaged with the game and maybe even make some new friends.
  4. Take a Break: It's essential to take a break and step away from the game for a while. You've invested so much time and energy into beating Elden Ring; it's only natural to need a breather.

My Plan of Action

As for me, I've decided to take a break and let the experience marinate for a bit. I'll probably come back to it in a few months and play it again, this time with a different build. In the meantime, I'll be checking out some of the other FromSoftware games I haven't played yet.

The bottom line is that there's no right or wrong answer to the post-Elden Ring dilemma. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it's something that makes you happy and keeps you engaged with the gaming community.


  • Elden Ring
  • FromSoftware games
  • Post-game dilemma
  • Play it again
  • Find another game
  • Join a community
  • Take a break

What to Do After Beating Elden Ring?

Congratulations! You’ve done it. You have finally beaten the notorious game that has been the talk of the town for years. You’ve defeated all the bosses, collected all the items, and explored every inch of the game. But now what? What can you do after beating Elden Ring?

Well, fear not my fellow gamer, because I have some ideas for you. Let’s dive into the possibilities and see what you can do to continue your journey even after finishing the game.

First and foremost, take a break. You’ve spent hours upon hours playing this game, and you deserve a little rest. Go outside, breathe in some fresh air, and give your eyes a break from the screen. Take some time to reflect on your experience and relish in the satisfaction of finally completing it.

Once you’ve had some time to unwind, it’s time to start a new game. Yes, I know, you just finished one, but there’s always room for more adventure. Try playing through the game with a different character or class. See how the game changes based on your choices and decisions. Maybe you’ll discover something new.

If starting a new game doesn’t sound appealing, then how about trying out some of the game’s community creations? Elden Ring has an active modding community, and there are plenty of mods available to enhance your gaming experience. From new bosses to different skins, there’s something for everyone.

Another option is to try out some of the other games in the Soulsborne series. If you enjoyed Elden Ring, then you’re bound to love games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne. These games offer similar gameplay mechanics and challenging boss battles, so you won’t be too far out of your comfort zone.

If you’re looking for a change of pace, then how about trying out a completely different genre? There are plenty of great games out there that offer a different experience from Elden Ring. From puzzle games to racing games, the possibilities are endless.

Alternatively, you could take a break from gaming altogether and try something new. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn an instrument or start painting. Take this opportunity to explore your other interests and see where they take you.

Whatever you choose to do, just remember that there’s no rush. Take your time and enjoy the journey. Who knows, you might discover something new that you love even more than gaming.

In conclusion, beating Elden Ring is a huge accomplishment, but it’s not the end of your journey. There are plenty of things you can do to continue your adventure and keep the excitement alive. So go out there and explore, and most importantly, have fun!

What To Do After Beating Elden Ring: People Also Ask

Q: Can I finally go outside after beating Elden Ring?

A: Yes, you can! Congratulations on beating the game. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and take a deep breath of fresh air. You're free from the cycle of death and resurrection in the game.

Q: Should I start a new game after beating Elden Ring?

A: Sure, if you want to experience the thrill of exploring the game again. But don't forget to take a break and do something else, like eating, sleeping, or socializing. It's not healthy to play video games for too long without rest.

Q: Can I brag about beating Elden Ring to my friends?

A: Of course, you can! That's what friends are for, right? Just make sure you don't spoil the story or the surprises in the game. Let them experience it for themselves. And if they haven't played it yet, recommend it to them. Maybe they'll become as hooked as you were.

Q: Is there a secret ending I missed after beating Elden Ring?

A: Hmm, that's a tough one. We don't want to spoil it for you, but let's just say that there might be more than one way to end the game. Try experimenting with different choices and actions in the game, and see what happens. Who knows, you might discover something new.

Q: What should I do with my life now that I've beaten Elden Ring?

A: Wow, that's a deep question. We can't answer that for you, but we can suggest some ideas:

  • Take a break from gaming and do something else, like reading, exercising, or traveling.
  • Start a new hobby or project, like painting, writing, or building something.
  • Connect with friends and family, and share your experiences and thoughts about the game.
  • Play another game, and see how it compares to Elden Ring. Who knows, you might discover a new favorite.

In conclusion

Beating Elden Ring is an achievement worth celebrating, but it's not the end of the world (or your gaming life). Take a step back, reflect on your journey, and think about what you want to do next. The possibilities are endless, and the adventure continues.